Chair, Department of Library and Information Science
Warm greetings and welcome to the Department of Library and Information Science in the University of Nairobi. The Department recognizes and appreciates you as an equal partner in the teaching, learning, research and consultancy processes. Our main goal and core value is to transform the information profession through excellent education, training, and innovative programmes that not only addresses both the needs and demands of the job markets but also embraces the emerging global trends and issues in the discipline more so ICTs. The vision of the Department of Library and Information Science as enshrined by the founders of the programmes is “Transforming the information profession through excellent academic teaching, learning, research and consultancy”. In achieving this vision, the Department will proactively assess the needs and demands of the information markets with the view to develop and implement programmes that address the fundamentals of the knowledge-based society including the Kenya Vision 2030 policy.
This implies the urgent need to embrace emerging trends in the education and training programmes in the information profession both from within and externally. The launch of our programme is based on a needs assessment, emerging issues in ICTs and global trends in the marketplace of ideas. Pursuant to this development, the Department has embarked on an ambitious strategic plan to launch the Bachelor of Library and Information Science, whose main aim is to link and connect with the students and the employers. The Department is also undertaking marketing and rebranding strategies for purposes of student recruitment and expansion of programmes. The Department is also liaising with the University Library and related Departments of the university, for the sole aim of sharing information for strategic purposes.
Collaboration with like-minded schools and departments of information sciences is a top priority for the Department. Indeed, appropriate arrangements and plan are underway to enable the Department establish collaboration and linkages at national, regional and international levels. We already have collaborative linkages with Makerere University in Uganda. Similarly, the Department would extend the relationships to government organizations and related agencies, public and private institutions, professional associations and more. Within the Kenyan context the Department plans to engage information professionals and schools and departments of library and information science. The Department hopes to establish more collaboration linkages both nationally and globally.
Teaching, learning and research facilities and resources will be readily available to both students and lecturers. These include computer labs, appropriate software systems, smart boards, Ipads, PowerPoint presentations, projectors and more. The lecturers are expected to deliver content that is updated in addition to using innovative teaching, learning, training and research methodologies. Students in part-time and ODEL programmes will be provided with online publications. In this age and day, it is essential to ensure that appropriate communication methods are utilized to share and exchange information. Pursuant to this goal, the Department encourages the students’ fraternity to regularly access our website and that of the university. The Department is open to the use of web solutions such as Facebook for the purpose of dissemination of information and communication services. The students are expected to access and use electronic or digital information resources for their academic, learning and research purposes.
The Department proactively engages the students in all issues related to academic matters including awareness on HIV/AIDS, Conservation and Protection of the Environment, Plagiarism and Integrity and Academic Excellence. As a matter of concern and priority, it is important that students associate and register in various professional associations within and outside the university. Students are also encouraged to participate in various community based services across the university.
Information science graduates access employment or career opportunities in various sectors of the economy including education, training, universities, media industry, government organizations, public and private organizations, politics, business and law establishments, medical health and related agencies and many more. Indeed, it is unheard of to find a MLIS graduate jobless because they are competitively marketable in the job market.
Lastly but not least, the Department advocates for the open communication policy and wishes to engage the students through face-to-face, suggestion box or email for purposes of transforming and improving our programmes for the betterment of the society and the country. Once again welcome to the Department of Library and Information Science, home to transformative and innovative information science programmes, and you can truly count on our passion and spirit as a team.